Friday, September 5, 2014

Stolen Libyan Aircraft & the next 9/11

Fear Campaign: Stolen Libyan Aircraft and the Next 911

by cut2thetruth
Western intelligence agencies have issued an urgent warning in light of 11, that's right count 'em, eleven stolen commercial airliners which magically disappeared from Tripoli Airport in Libya. According to Free Beacon:
"Intelligence reports of the stolen jetliners were distributed within the U.S. government over the past two weeks and included a warning that one or more of the aircraft could be used in an attack later this month on the date marking the anniversary of the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks against New York and Washington, said U.S. officials familiar with the reports."
The fear campaign has begun as news outlets around the Western world are printing stories about the high chances of another 9/11 scale attack going down on the big day's 13th anniversary—and the 2nd anniversary of a Libyan Terror network's attack in Benghazi on an American diplomatic compound.
But America isn't the only place being warned to duck and cover, according to Colonel Tony Shaffer—in the video above—Britain should be even more worried, as they sit much closer to Libya and its Islamic terrorist infected neighbors—although Shaffer's main aim was clearly to sell the American people on getting ready to fight in yet another war; and of course no one mentioned all of these rebel groups are factions of the rebel group America, Britain, and Israel created back in the 80's. Shaffer, as it happens, sits as a coordinator for the London Center for Policy Research, a think tank full of ex-military, Council on Foreign Relation members with financial interests in wars continuing until the end of time.
As it sits, Egypt basically has forces suited up and ready to invade Libya, stating they fear it will soon be a completely terrorist run state—as if it wasn't already—so good news for fans of senseless killing.
The question remains: How does anybody steal a dozen jumbo jets? It seems like a pretty incredible story when you think what the odds of how many terrorist networks have trained commercial pilots onhand must be—and as I always say: extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence from credible sources; all of which are hard to find.
One known fear spreading publication called the Daily Fail released this picture today to confirm the terrorists in fact have the airplanes.
libyan rebels inside planes false flag america september 11th attack fox news daily mail
These pictures either confirm the Libyan militants have stolen the planes; or else this is just a screenshot from a new Janet Jackson video.
Screenshot (293)
Either is just as plausible—and just as horrifying. What's on the horizon is anybodies guess, but at least this time—God forbid—unlike 13 years ago, we'll know who the attack actually came from right away with the video evidence of all the false flag garbage of James Foleyand Steven Sotloff—and much more—to prove it; but let's hope we don't have to.
The soldiers in the above picture are actually from a group known as Libyan Dawn, orDawn of Libya, the latest Islamic jihadi group in the Middle East which last month took over Tripoli, the capital city of Libya—including its airport.  According to The Guardian:
"The city was captured after a five week battle, involving heavy and indiscriminate artillery bombardments between Libya Dawn and tribal fighters."
Could this Libyan Dawn be another terrorist group created by the CIA to incite chaos in a region they're hungry to invade, like the recent operations in Cuba, or the rebels America supported to overthrow Moammar Gadhafi 2 years back; or are they making headlines to set the stage for the next massive, society changing false flag attack on American, Canadian, or British soil?
Just a few days ago it was confirmed the rebels had taken over the US Embassy in the capital, even taking pictures and videos of themselves swimming in the pool. This is where it gets questionable, as sources have reported the video weren't actually taken in the US Embassy in Tripoli, but actually in a CIA annex a couple blocks up.
Yeah sure, these guys just "sprang up" out of nowhere too.

by Olan Thomas
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Olan Thomas

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